
What is Design? We think that it is a personal expression of the subject. You can express yourself or not. We have so many ideas, but so little memory and not enough time for execution…That means passion for what you do…

Is that really waste?

It is not just that usage of srap and waste is on hype right now, but it challenges your mind to thing out of the box as you have just what you have with no further material, resources or dimensions…that is what make this so freeking cool…

Light is life

The definition of the word light is: “the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.”, but that is not we see. That is just the function…But light can be seen in so many forms, colors and their combinations and you can form it as you wish with a bit of imagination… For us the light is an endless well of possibilities as life is!

Go outside!

It is actually common thing and nothing new, but we find a lot of inspiration outside, in nature and in human body. We try to sculp your garden to be an eden for your soul and body, so that we can share the higher awareness and reach the real peace inside

Unfortunatelly not all…

Sad but true, not all waste can be recycled, but that is the way Chemistry works. We are focusing on those materials that can be recycled, but end up usually wasted in burning facilities. Do you wanna help the earth by sorting your waste? We can bring this waste to new form or function. New Life!!!

Animal? No way!

Do you think, that pet is just an animal? If so, please leave this site ASAP. Pet is a friend, a warm soul and a family member. This is why we give so much love and dedication for the products for them. They deserve to get back all the love, they have given to us and even much more


We try to combine our imagination and ideas with ideas of others. Sometimes incredible artwork comes out. Are you interested on cooperation with us? Do you want to start some Work shop or brainstorming about potential new product lines? We are always willing to try something new! Anytime and always! Get in Contact with us.

Privacy Policy

Information pursuant to European Regulation 2016/679 - General Data Protection Regulation

Dear interested party, we share this information, provided pursuant to the "European Regulation 2016/679 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data" (hereinafter "GDPR") to those who interact with herma-atelier srl forms, accessible electronically starting from the address:

The information is provided only for the forms indicated above on the herma-atelier srl website and not for other forms or websites that may be consulted by the user via links.In particular, pursuant to article 13 of the GDPR, we inform you that:

1. Responsibility

The Data Controller is the Legal Representative of herma-atelier srl in person.Any request regarding this Privacy Policy, the protection of personal data and the security of information can be sent to the Data Controller who can be contacted at the email address info@

2. Treatments

In the forms indicated above, the following macro-types of information are compulsorily requested:
email address;
By filling in the fields described above with your data and clicking on the Enter key, herma-atelier srl will memorize them and keep them in its databases for collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, blocking, cancellation, treatments. destruction.

3. Purpose

herma-atelier srl uses your data in order to
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4. Legal Bases, Conservation Times

Pursuant to Article 6 and 7 of the GDPR, the provision of consent to the processing of data by means of a specific tick is optional, but essential to proceed with the sending of the forms described above.Pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 2, letter a), the retention period of personal data is established as a period of 4 years from the moment of the individual dates of consent. At the end the data will be physically deleted from all our systems or further consents will be required.

5. Data of Minors

Pursuant to Article 8, paragraph 1 of the GDPR, the processing of the minor's personal data is lawful if the minor is at least 16 years old. Where the child is below the age of 16 years, such processing shall be lawful only if and to the extent that consent is given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility for the child. herma-atelier srl requires all users who use the above forms to be at least 16 years old or to self-certify the consent of the holder of parental responsibility.

6. Particular data

Pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 1, letter c), herma-atelier srl only keeps personal data that are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary with respect to the purposes for which they are processed ("data minimization"); therefore users are asked not to share personal data that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, as well as to process genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a person physical, data relating to the health or sexual life or sexual orientation of the person. If the user intentionally communicates data of this type to herma-atelier srl, herma-atelier 's employees or collaborators, who have received specific privacy training sessions, will process such data according to the principles of maximum care and confidentiality.

7. Recipients

The potential primary suppliers who may have access, process, store, transmit and in general carry out treatments on herma-atelier 's data and information are also evaluated on the aspect of information security and in terms of safeguarding the privacy of individuals whose data they are treated by herma-atelier .
Lutable srl does not transfer your data to third parties for any reason.

8. Location of Treatments

All the treatments described in this information and carried out by herma-atelier srl take place within the spaces of the European Union.

9. Processing methods

The treatments will be carried out in such a way as to guarantee adequate security of personal data, including the protection, by means of adequate technical and organizational measures, from unauthorized or unlawful treatments and from accidental loss, destruction or damage ("integrity and confidentiality") .

10. Rights of the interested party

The interested party always has the right to request from the Data Controller access to his data, the correction or cancellation of the same, the limitation of treatment or the possibility of opposing the treatment, to request data portability, to revoke the consent to the treatment by asserting these and the other rights provided by the GDPR by simply communicating to the Data Controller via email at info@ herma-atelier .com. In detail, herma-atelier srl will manage the request of the interested party without undue delay and, in any case, at the latest within one month of receipt of the request. This deadline will be extended to 3 months in the event of timely deletion of data. The interested party also has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data is operational in Italy.